Known for its Old-World charm and notable popularity in the sunbelt states, barrel roof tiles have been the premier choice of style for residential roofing projects. Medium profile tiles, such as Eagle Roofing Products’ Malibu, provide a distinct, more contemporary look by fusing classic Mediterranean design with a modern smoothness that will enhance a variety of architectural styles.
The ubiquitous home styles that pair well with a medium barrel tile are Mediterranean and Tuscan. These types of residences feature many elements of classic southern European charm, such as colonnades, arches and archways, raked roofs, ornate exterior fixtures, stonework, wrought-iron balconies, and bright colored tile roofs.
Drawing inspiration from Mediterranean and Spanish homes, Florida style houses are also a perfect complement for the Malibu profile. True to its namesake, the artisanship of these structures embody the epitome of Florida living with light to medium color stucco walls, large verandas, exterior wood work, plenty of windows, and a courtyard, porch or terrace. These types of house plans also favor tile roofs creating a timeless and iconic focal point.
Last but not least, an unconventional and unique recipient for a medium profile concrete tile roof would be a Transitional style home which blends the best features of traditional and contemporary design with clean lines, warm neutral colors and a mix of textured materials. At first blush, this harmonious composition may not feel like an ideal fit for a concrete tile roof. However, the modernity and smooth look of Malibu adds gorgeous continuity to a building’s roofscape while seamlessly balancing the artistic aspects of the home to create a sleek architectural gem.
Interested in selecting our Malibu profile for your upcoming roofing project? Contact your local Eagle Account Representative or begin your browsing online today!